How to access and use RapidScat Data – recordings available

How to access and use RapidScat Data – recordings available

Webinar webcasts

On 16 September, 40 participants from 18 countries and four continents, attended the webinar, organised by EUMETSAT and OSI SAF, on ‘How to access and use RapidScat data, from the wind scatterometer on the International Space Station (ISS)? . Missed the event? Or would like to hear again what Ad Stoffelen (KNMI) and Zorana Jelenak (NOAA) had to say about the data available from the OSI SAF, achievements of the RapidScat data and experiences on using the data in operational marine analysis and forecasting? The recordings from the webinar are now available for download from the EUMETSAT Training Library. In addition, you can preview the videos, part one by A. Stoffelen  and part two by Z. Jelenak, directly online.

We are glad that these resources are already useful to the participants of the ongoing online Marine Satellite Course, organised by EUMeTrain and supported by EUMETCAL. Please share the links further to allow  more colleagues to benefit from these presentations.