26 Sept- 7 Oct / Antigua Guatemala
From 2004, when this series of courses started in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, this course has helped train 250 forecasters and climatologists in the region. Participants frequently enjoy their first exposure to working with satellite data, identifying key elements for forecasting and looking at details they had not even suspected they could find in Meteosat or GOES imagery.
With the coming closure of EUMETcast Americas, they are looking forward to using alternative sources of meteorological information.
Carolina E. López, from Paraguay, said: “We would like to contribute case studies of our region to the EUMETSAT pages and creating data-bases which neighbour countries can take advantage of.”
Some institutes in South America, like LAPIS in University of Alagoas, have been supplying services to users for six years, and supported the station installation and the product tuning.
“We will continue our grassroots work to help the meteorological community in Brazil.”.