24-28 October 2016 / Rainbow Towers hotel, Harare
Starting 2012, WMO and EUMETSAT embarked on a series of events to increase attention on software to identify drought, based on satellite data, which offers the best horizontal resolution in Africa. In-situ data is scarce and not guaranteed for good calibration. The Land SAF offers information every 30 minutes on evapotranspiration and other vegetation- related variables.
Several universities and stakeholders showed their data processing solutions, so that abundant side-dialogue started during the meeting. The next event in this successful series will be in Europe, in Budapest, April 2017. Previous meetings took place in Niamey, Accra, Ouagadougou, Addis-Abeba and Tbilisi. The course tends to convert into a show-case of monitoring and forecasting formulas which can be used with satellite information, to create products. Distance presentations complete the tight schedule.