The WMO Trainer Resources Portal

The WMO Trainer Resources Portal


Since September 2017, the resources used in the WMO Online Course for Trainers have been available for all WMO Members at the Trainer Resources Portal.

These resources, organised by the six competency units of the WMO framework, have been developed and updated by a group of professionals contributing to the WMO Online Course for Trainers since 2014. All resources are well researched, based on a solid foundation of training literature and the years of experience of those who offer them. They are being offered under a Creative Commons open copyright license that requires only attribution of the source for their reuse, and allows for free adaptation to meet the unique needs of users.

The portal will eventually be available in four languages: Spanish, French, Russian, English. This portal is not intended to replace the facilitated course that is currently offered each year, but provides alternative paths to competency development for trainers.

The effort to collect these resources within a user-friendly portal has been sponsored by the WMO ETR Office and the EUMETNET Eumetcal Programme, with the additional generous donation of time by WMO/CGMS VLab and EUMETSAT, as well as other WMO training partners.

The WMO Trainer Resources Portal is available on the ETRP Moodle site, no login required, here.