Trainers getting their hands dirty: The 2014 WMO Training Development Workshop

Trainers getting their hands dirty: The 2014 WMO Training Development Workshop

3 -7 November, Casablanca

Inspired by recent successes in delivering online learning events by RTCs in Africa, the WMO ETR Office, EUMETSAT, and VLab delivered its first Online Seminar for Trainers in the early months of this year. Following the success of that course, with 35 certificates issued, in November the same team hosted a week-long Training Development Workshop.

Twenty-one participants from African training teams, and two from Europe, came together with nine facilitators working in groups to begin substantial development on projects requested by their institutions, countries, or regions.

On Monday, the project teams shared their plans and then got to work. The room was ‘buzzing’ all week with debate, deliberation, decision-making, and resource development. Facilitators worked with their project teams, bouncing ideas around and demonstrating skills. Project teams also took off in their own directions and surprised us all. By Friday, each project team had made substantial progress toward realising the aims of their projects — some with major redesigns, and some with finished or draft training resources.

The training team will get together again this year, with a few new additions, to repeat this dual-course approach in Europe. Look for the WMO/Eumetcal Course for Trainers announcement in this edition of the bulletin.