Product Tutorial on the ‘SEVIRI Physical Retrieval’ products of NWC SAF

Product Tutorial on the ‘SEVIRI Physical Retrieval’ products of NWC SAF

Training module, online

A new Eumetrain product tutorial on the SEVIRI Physical Retrieval product, developed by NWC SAF (Satellite Application Facility on support to Nowcasting and Very Short-Range Forecasting), has been published. The aim of this Product Tutorial is to help the readers to understand the product.

The SEVIRI Physical Retrieval product creates information on convective environmental parameters, namely moisture content and atmospheric instability. These parameters are important to study the potential for deep convection, or to predict the further evolution of already existing convective clouds.

The product is retrieved from SEVIRI data, an instrument on the Meteosat Second Generation geostationary satellites. It uses NWP (Numerical Wweather Prediction) forecast moisture and temperature profiles as ‘background’ information. The algorithm can slightly improve the NWP humidity profiles. It can improve the shape of some mesoscale features, like the exact location of a moisture boundary or local moisture gradient.