NOMEK 2015 course – 20th anniversary of NOMEK

NOMEK 2015 course – 20th anniversary of NOMEK

4 – 8 May 2015, Norrkoping

This Spring the 20th NOMEK course took place in Norrkoping, Sweden. The NOMEK program started in 1995 as an agreement between the Director Generals of the Nordic NMSs. It is now a one-week course.

This year 26 participants and more than 10 local and international instructors took part in the course. Participants came from nine EUMETSAT Member states – Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ireland. The course was organised by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), in collaboration with the other Nordic meteorological institutes, and with financial and instructional support from EUMETSAT.

The main topics  were:

  • Use and application of satellite products.
  • Use of radar products.
  • Numerical Weather Prediction.
  • Short Range Forecasting.
  • Decision-making.


The whole course was focused on a heavy rainfall event. Introduction to this case was done during a simulator exercise, when participants got acquainted with the weather situation. The following day lectures included references to this case, so participants had a chance to see how it looked on radar images and NPW products. There were also two sessions about forecasting experience, to see what really happened and what could have been done better.