A new training module on SEVIRI RGBs

A new training module on SEVIRI RGBs

Online training module

Some years ago satellite experts developed optimally tuned RGB types for highlighting specific atmospheric and surface features. These are the so-called standard RGBs recommended by EUMETSAT. In 2009 the ’Operational use of RGB images’ training module was published, which discussed several EUMETSAT recommended standard RGB types to be created from Meteosat SEVIRI images, but not all of them. A new training module to be published soon will discuss four additional EUMETSAT recommended standard RGB types: the HRV Fog RGB, the Snow RGB, the Night Microphysics RGB and the Ash RGB.

The main aim of the training module is to help the users (weather forecasters/other experts) to understand and use these RGB types, by giving them background information, examples and exercises.

Module structure:

  • The aim of the RGB type
  • Physical background
  • How to create the given RGB type?
  • Typical colours
  • Examples of interpretations
  • Benefits and limitations
  • Comparisons with other RGB types and/or single channel images
  • Exercise