New series on YouTube – Using RGBs in operational meteorology

New series on YouTube – Using RGBs in operational meteorology

Online, Youtube

EUMETSAT has recently released four short (4-7 minute) videos covering RGB applications. They are:

  • How to identify moisture boundaries using the Dust RGB
  • How to detect dust using the Dust RGB
  • How to detect smoke and fires using solar RGBs
  • How to detect and monitor low clouds in satellite images


Mark Higgins, Training Manager at EUMETSAT, said: ‘We made these as a direct response to feedback that people would like really short and focused introductions to the RGBs. We hope they will fit nicely with the RGB quick guides that EUMeTrain are working on and will publish soon. I would love your feedback. You can comment directly on YouTube or email’.

Find the videos and a lot more on the EUMETSAT YouTube channel.