New African Satellite Meteorology lessons

New African Satellite Meteorology lessons

Online training lesson

Within the ASMET-8 project the team has produced four new satellite training lessons. They are available in English, online at MetEd website (registration needed). The French versions of the lessons will be available in 2016.

Extreme High Swell Events on the Moroccan Atlantic Coast is produced by la Direction de la Météorologie Nationale in Morocco. It describes the appropriate process in forecasting high swell events.

Using ASCAT Wind and Other Data in Marine Forecasting, produced by South African Weather Service experts, demonstrates the use of scatterometer wind and, to a lesser extent, altimeter significant wave height products in marine forecasting.

Forecasting Heavy Rains and Landslides in Eastern Africa, prepared by Kenya Meteorological Service experts, highlights the importance of satellite-based observations in monitoring and forecasting heavy precipitation that often leads to devastating landslides and mudslides.

Satellite-Derived Climatology Products for Monitoring Convection Over West and Central Africa, written by École Africaine de la Météorologie et de l´Aviation Civile in Niger, describes the importance for the forecaster in knowing the regional climatology, especially where convection is involved. The lesson describes satellite-derived cloud climatology products and several global instability indices.