11 – 15 Apr 2016 / Online
An event week on topics related to environmental meteorology was organized by EUMeTrain in April.
The series of lectures started with a presentation from Oleg Dubovik on the GRASP algorithm which was developed to retrieve the properties of atmospheric aerosols from various satellite instruments. Tommi Bergman (FMI) complemented this topic with a talk about aerosol climate models. Rüdiger Lang from EUMETSAT focused on the pollution aspect of atmospheric aerosols and trace gases.
Dust and fires was another focal point of the environment week, with presentations on African dust by Kerstin Schepanski (TROPOS) and on Asian dust, by Yonho Park from South Korea. Mike Willmott and Lee-Ann Simpson reported on the challenges forecasters are facing when they have to predict the risks for extended wildfires in Australia and South Africa.
Volcanic ash clouds, PyroCumulonimbus, and soil moisture measurements from satellites were additional topics covered during the event week.
Each session was recorded and can be downloaded here.