

EUMETNET’s Vision and Strategic View

EUMETNET’s Mission is to support its Members to develop and share their individual and joint capabilities through already well established cooperation programmes as well as additional collaboration efforts that enable enhanced networking, better and more robust interoperability, efficiencies and optimization of infrastructure costs and a higher level of integration and complementarity within Europe.

The EUMETNET collaborative framework will continue to enable its Members to better fulfil their official duties and enhance their individual capabilities. It will also provide a basis for them to deliver, collectively or individually, joint public information services to weather-and-climate dependent users, at national level as well as at the level of the EU and its Agencies. Moreover, provision of consolidated information and innovative solutions to Aviation users within an evolving Single European Sky framework will be achieved progressively.

The instruments through which this vision is realized are the programmes, projects and networking activities that EUMETNET undertakes and supports. They are undertaken with funds coming mostly from the Members but are also open to non-Member cooperating institutes.

Some 3rd party projects funded through EU instruments such as SESAR, H2020 or Copernicus that EUMETNET has bid into successfully, complete the picture of the collaboration our community undertakes with various strategic partners.

The instruments of collaboration

Programmes are the principle vehicle that EUMETNET uses to conduct its collaborative undertakings and they deliver what is expected by the Members. Members who participate in funding a programme will share both the costs and the benefits of the programme.

Year in and year out, EUMETNET operates between 15 and 18 programmes, some of which deliver operational data to the Word Weather Watch or to Numerical Weather Prediction centres in Europe including ECMWF.

The delivery of a programme is entrusted to a Coordinating Member through a decision by the General Assembly. The Coordinating Member will manage the approved budget of its programme and report to the governing bodies of EUMETNET on the proper execution of the programme. For details, please consult each programme’s webpage on this site.

Much work is also provided in-kind by Members especially within specialized workgroups and expert teams where people meet and share their experience and best practices in their fields of expertise. They meet regularly and deal with a wide array of topics such as instruments, training, forecasting, radars, sea-surface observations, aircraft-based observations, nowcasting techniques, numerical modelling, etc.

Most importantly, the spirit that is behind the collaborative framework initiated in the 1990’s is essentially still very present. It will prevail because the trust that has been the cornerstone of all previous achievements prevails to this day.