10 to 13 October 2016 / Langen, Germany
The XI Eumetcal Workshop was held in Langen, Germany, from 10-13 October 2016, and kindly hosted by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). The workshop gathered together approximately forty Education and Training Experts, mainly from the European countries but representatives from Canada and US also participated. The workshop also gathered trainers for side meetings, for example the NOMEK admin group held their annual course planning meeting.
The title of the workshop is Developing communication capabilities for meteorological and climate services.
The choice of this topic was motivated by the fact that national weather and climate services across Europe are moving towards providing impact-based weather and climate services. This requires a change in emphasis in the way services are implemented and in customer/meteorological service communication. The workshop week included several workshops and practical demonstrations of how to address different challenges when communicating meteorological information to different stakeholders. Several presentations showed current NMHS (Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Germany and Canada) activities and products to better meet their clients needs and deliver information in a more fluent way.