New face of Satmanu

New face of Satmanu

Learning resource / online

The Manual of Synoptic Satellite Meteorology, i.e. Satmanu, has had a facelift. As well as graphical improvements, scientific revisions have been undertaken to keep the manual up-to-date. New chapters and cases studies have been added, following feedback from users. Hopefully, the experience of using this manual will now be even more advanced.

In 1996, the compilation of a ‘Manual of Synoptic Satellite Meteorology — Conceptual Models’ (or CMs SatManu) was initially started by the Austrian Meteorological Institute (ZAMG), then later in co-operation with the Dutch, Finnish and Croatian meteorological institutes. The material in this manual used to be produced in electronic form as a CD-RO, within the framework of the sponsored ‘SATREP’ Project of EUMETSAT. Today it is available online.

This type of Computer Aided Learning (CAL) material is now widely used as part of EUMETSAT training courses in satellite meteorology, in the training and operational environments of several Member and Co-operating States, and by many other international meteorological services and research institutes.