Improved data access and customisation with the EUMETSAT Data Store and Data Tailor

Improved data access and customisation with the EUMETSAT Data Store and Data Tailor


The EUMETSAT Data Store provides users with a single point of access to a growing catalogue of EUMETSAT‘s meteorological, climate and ocean data. Users can browse, search and download available data using a web graphical user interface (GUI) or via APIs. Currently, the catalogue includes near real-time and historic data, as well as climate data records, from Meteosat and Metop missions, as well as satellite applications facility products. More products, including those from Copernicus missions, will be added incrementally. The Data Store supports data customisation, passing products to the Data Tailor Web Service (DTWS).

The DTWS exposes the functionality of the Data Tailor product customisation toolbox via a web GUI and REST API. It allows users to subset and aggregate data products in space and time, filter layers, generate quicklooks, re-project onto new coordinate reference systems, and reformat into popular geospatial formats (netCDF, GeoTIFF, etc.). It offers a uniform way to transform both historical and near real-time satellite data provided by EUMETSAT.

Users can use the Data Tailor via the DTWS, or install it on their own machine and access it using the REST API, command-line interface, or Python package.