Full CALMet Moodle Course now published

Full CALMet Moodle Course now published


Interested in how you can create an effective learning environment for your students in Moodle?

With thanks to EUMETSAT, WMO, EUMeTrain, EUMETCAL, VLab, IMGW-PIB and Météo-France, we are extremely happy to announce that the FULL CALMet Moodle Course is now published at https://etrp.wmo.int/course/view.php?id=88.

This CALMet Moodle Course is a self-directed course for Trainers and Educators in Earth Sciences and is available on the Moodle website in self-pace mode. This format allows you to decide how much time to dedicate to the course, and when to study. Once enrolled, you can engage at the level you like and make the course fit your schedules. You may follow the units in a sequence or choose what to learn.

This course is a great example on how you can train people independent of time and place, and will teach you how to build a great online learning environment for your own course participants.

Eumetcal staff who want to experiment or build a Moodle course, but don’t have a Moodle website of their own please contact info@eumetcal.eu.