
3rd party projects



Although most of EUMETNET’s activity is carried out within its internally funded programmes or networking frameworks, it is sometimes important for our community to participate in 3rd party activities when they are considered beneficial to the Members.

EUMETNET as a legal entity can therefore submit proposals for various EU-funded projects under H2020, SESAR, Copernicus or other frameworks.

Depending on various criteria, Members will consider the complexity and the specifics of the project and decide whether EUMETNET will be bidding as a partner or leading a consortium to respond to some well-focused tenders or just participating in various advisory bodies.


  • "It is important for our community to participate in 3rd party activities when they are considered beneficial to Members"

The Aviation pages of this website give some details on EUMETNET’s involvement in various SESAR R&D and deployment projects.

The Copernicus pages of the website give some insight on our involvement in this flagship programme of the EU.

Some other projects where EUMETNET is participating directly or indirectly are:

Aristotle project funded by DG-ECHO

H2020 AtlantOS project

H2020 – Anywhere project





Among the 3rd parties EUMETNET is involved with, the EU’s flagship Copernicus programme represents a set of major stakeholders for our community.

As a result of a bidding process held in 2016, EUMETNET has a unique arrangement with Copernicus through the European Environment Agency (EEA) which is the delegated operator of the In-Situ Coordination Component of Copernicus. The Space Component is the matter of other organizations such as ESA and EUMETSAT.

Along with consortium partners EUROGOOS and ICOS, we provide leading expertise to advise the EEA in the areas of in-situ meteorological and ocean observation networks, climate datasets, atmospheric chemistry observation and data management.

With such a setup, Copernicus operators are aware of network capabilities and thus the gaps that need to be filled so that they can provide their own services as optimally as possible.


  • "flagship programme of the EU"

EUMETNET members are also very much involved in many activities related to the delivery of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) where their knowledge of climate sciences, their modelling capabilities and their experience in climate data management are recognized and used extensively.

EUMETNET members are also active within the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS).


European Affairs



The purpose of the Joint Liaison Office is to represent the combined interests of EUMETNET, WMO, ECMWF and EUMETSAT (“Parties”) to the European Union (EU), European Commission (EC) and other European institutions.


  • Timely availability of information and analyses on EU initiatives, plans, programmes and decisions to Parties, their members and relevant bodies;
  • Awareness of EU bodies on the responsabilities of EUMETNET/EUMETSAT/ECMWF/WMO and of the relevant capabilities of the European Meteorological Infrastructure (EMI) to the implementation of EU policies and programmes such as Copernicus, in accordance with directives from the EUMETNET Assembly;
  • "representing our interests to the European Union (EU), European Commission (EC) and other European institutions"

Project Manager

The Office Chief is Mr. Christophe Jacob