This Programme’s objectives are to provide a European platform to exchange expertise on weather radar issues and to develop, generate and distribute high-quality pan-European radar composite products.
The E-ABO Programme carries out measurements of high quality upper air meteorological variables from aircraft.
The E-GVAP Programme aims to provide EUMETNET partners with European GPS delay and water vapour measurements for operational meteorology.
The main aims of the Observations Programme Management are to design and coordinate the evolution of the EUMETNET Composite Observing System (EUCOS) to be optimised on a European scale.
The E-PROFIILE Programme manages the European network of radar wind profilers and automatic lidars and ceilometers for the monitoring of vertical profiles of wind and aerosoles including volcanic ash.
The E-SURFMAR Programme coordinates, optimises and progressively integrates European activities for surface marine observations.
The objective of the EUMETNET-ASAP (E-ASAP) Operational Service is to coordinate and optimise weather balloon observations over data sparse ocean regions.