3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference “Our Climate Ready Future”

3rd European Climate Change Adaptation Conference “Our Climate Ready Future”

2017/06/06 - 2017/06/09


The theme of ECCA 2017 is ‘Our Climate Ready Future’. Our vision is that this conference will inspire and enable people to work together to discover and deliver positive climate adaptation solutions that can strengthen society, revitalise local economies and enhance the environment. We will bring together the people who will deliver action on the ground – from business, industry, NGOs, local government and communities – to share knowledge, ideas and experience with researchers and policymakers. Set in the cultural city of Glasgow, at the heart of a city-region that is putting climate adaptation and climate justice at the core of decision-making, ECCA 2017 offers a unique opportunity to visit many innovative local adaptation projects and share experience of how climate adaptation can work in practice.
ECCA 2017 is held in Europe but the focus will be global. Participants from over 60 countries on five continents have already registered their interest or submitted abstracts, and we expect the presentations and sessions to be fully international in scope.

6th International Summit on Hurricanes and Climate Change: From Hazard to Impact

2017/06/04 - 2017/06/09


This Summit builds on five previous workshops on the general topic of hurricanes and climate, but departs from them by focusing on the pathway from hazard to impact. The goal of the Summit is to present state-of-the art research, identify specific outstanding research questions, and address what is needed to help bring the fruits of research on hurricanes and climate to bear on quantitative risk assessment.


Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference

2017/05/26 - 2017/05/28


The PASC17 Conference seeks to engage participants from academia, research labs and industry to address important issues in HPC and computational science. PASC17 is inviting researchers from diverse scientific backgrounds to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of expertise. The conference is an opportunity for researchers in branches of science that require computer modelling and high-performance simulations to discuss computational techniques and technologies.

37th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment

2017/05/08 - 2017/05/12


The 37th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE-37) will convene in Tshwane, South Africa 8 to 12 May 2017. The theme is “Earth Observation for Development and Adaptation to a Changing World”.

The 2017 Symposium will be the second time in this millennium that the African continent will host ISRSE. It coincides with the implementation of the recently adopted African Space Policy and Strategy, as well as rapid development in African space science and technology programmes.

7th International Verification Methods Workshop

2017/05/08 - 2017/05/11


Subjects of interest include but are not limited to:

verification of high impact weather and extremes,

properties of verification methods,

use of alternative observations,

observation uncertainty,

verification methods for data sparse areas (e.g. polar regions),

user-oriented verification and estimation of forecast value,

methods for verification of probability and ensemble forecasts,

spatial verification methods, and verification approaches,

software and measures used to evaluate operational predictions, including verification methods used to justify upgrades to operational models.

in keeping with the main theme, papers focused on the adaptation of established methods to different space and time scales, for example subseasonal to seasonal and longer-term forecasts and projections, are particularly welcome.

The science conference will also feature the results of the “Forecast Verification Challenge” for development of a user-oriented verification method, including a keynote presentation by the winning entrant.

2nd European Nowcasting Conference

2017/05/03 - 2017/05/05


This conference is organised in the frame of EUMETNET (European Meteorological Network) which includes the project ASIST dedicated to nowcasting. The goal of the conference is to promote recent advances in the theory and practice of nowcasting in Europe and other parts of the world.

More informations

PEP725 Annual General meeting

2017/04/25 - 2017/04/25


For more information on this event, please contact Helfried Scheifinger helfried.scheifinger@zamg.ac.at

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017

2017/04/23 - 2017/04/28


The EGU General Assembly 2017 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

A session on phenology will be held on 24th April, covering a wide range of phenological topics.

2nd European Hail Workshop

2017/04/19 - 2017/04/21


In several regions of Europe, including Switzerland, south-west Germany, and Austria, hail damage has increased substantially in recent years, such that hailstorms have become one of the major atmospheric hazards. The Mobiliar Lab, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), MeteoSwiss, and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) are jointly organizing a workshop for researchers and professionals to discuss different aspects of hail.

9th seminar for Homognization and Quality control in Climatological Databases and 4th Conference on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Climatology and Meteorology

2017/04/03 - 2017/04/07


The homogeneous data series with high quality and the spatial interpolation are indispensable for the climatological and meteorological examinations. The primary goal of this meeting is to promote the discussion about the methodological and theoretical aspects.