December 2016 / Berlin, Germany
The 2016 OEB conference is a global, cross-sector conference on technology-supported learning and training, showcasing examples from the realm of training, sociology, politics and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Held in Berlin in December 2016 the conference highlighted the importance and role of educators to inspire, motivate, enable and increase empathy and reduce bias, and to be inclusive and free of prejudice.
While technology can, and most likely will, slowly replace humans in carrying out a number of educational tasks, it is to be seen to what extent the implications will be beneficial to learners and teachers. The future of MooCs and accreditation and the role and usefulness of evaluation were also discussed at the conference.
A high number of technology providers were present, making it an interesting venue for those in the field of educational technology to meet.
It was attended by more than 2.000 registered participants from 93 countries, including four professional training officers from the European training community.
Several conference sessions were recorded and can be found online.
“It’s not university what will carry you through life, it is the ability to think & re-think, to invent & reinvent yourself.” — Andrew Keen #oeb16, Twitter
The next OEB conference will take place 6–8 December. The theme is Learning Uncertainty and how we can learn to accept and manage it in an era marked by rapid global change.