Eumetcal Workshop 2018

Eumetcal Workshop 2018

August 28- 30 / Riga, Latvia

The 12th Eumetcal Workshop will be held in Riga, Latvia on 28–30 August 2018, jointly organised by EUMETCAL and the Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre (LVGMC).

The EUMETCAL Workshop welcomes all training practitioners and training managers in meteorology and related disciplines in Europe and beyond. All levels of experience are welcome.

The themes of the workshop are:

  • Visualising the training processes and proposing new approaches and solutions.
  • Developing Active Learning and Facilitation skills.
  • News for, and from, the meteorological training community.


The workshop is linked to the WMO competencies for training providers. No participation fee is required to attend this workshop.

Additional and up-to-date information available on the workshop webpage at The workshop starts in the morning in 28 Aug and ends by noon on 30 Aug.