The joint CALMet XIII & Eumetcal Conference 2019

The joint CALMet XIII & Eumetcal Conference 2019

The joint CALMet XIII and Eumetcal Conference 2019 was held in Darmstadt, Germany, from 17-20 September 2019.

There were 99 participants, most from Europe, but there were some representatives from other regions. Fifty-nine percent were attending for the first time.

Most participants (two-thirds) reported they work for NHMs, with others coming from universities and air traffic control. The most common primary roles were lecturer, instructional designer and meteorologist.

Two-thirds of participants were presenting a paper or held a workshop during the conference.

Most participants said that Tsvet Ross-Lazarov’s workshops were the highlights of the conference, closely followed by Bryan Guarente’s workshops. In general, participants appreciated workshops with hands-on approach.

When asked why they attended the conference, the most common answers were to find out about meteorological training and to look for an opportunity to collaborate.

More than 95% felt the conference supported their goals.

“We were inspired. We tried new things. We had new energy to improve or start new ideas. We have a place to grow as a community.”